Quarterly meeting Chat October 9, 2024
Category: Virtual Worlds
VWEC expresses thanks for the VWEC Student Challenge prizes. The Virtual Worlds Education Consortium and the Student Challenge would like to extend our deepest appreciation to ~~~ NEW MEDIA ARTS ~~~ For their generous donation for the prizes awarded to the Student Challenge Winners. We encourage you to find more information about New Media Arts on their website: https://www.newmediaarts.org/home/ They are long time supporters Digital Arts and Education in Virtual Worlds. The Student Challenge in SL is here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SCSB/119/102/23 The event was a grand success and a Spring 2024 Student Challenge will be coming soon.
How to start Please create a Second Life account by clicking the link provided by your teacher and following the instructions on the page. Building platforms are 32 by 32 but may change depending on the number of registrations (prim limit is 500). Check with your instructor about any missed events to view recordings, if available. Dates Sat Sept 30th, 9-10am SLT: Kick Off VR Student Challenge at the VWEC Eduverse Deck Fireside Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SCSB/121/75/24 Sat Oct 7th, 9-10am: Absolute Beginners building class, taught by Builders Brewery Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SCSB/72/152/23 Sat Oct 7th, 10-11am: Student-led Q+A session, led by
VWEC is pleased to invite you and your students to join us for the First Annual Fall 2023 VWEC Second Life Student Challenge – Serious Simulations in the Metaverse! Similar to a programming challenge (aka Hack-a-thon), we hope this building challenge will give you one more Virtual World tool to engage your students with your content. This event will be open-ended enough to let you fit it into your content, but will include a rubric to inform your students with best practices for building and teaching in Second Life. It will run for 2 months, beginning
July 5th, 2023 Chat July 5th, 2023 General Meeting Transcript
Minetest Summer Camp 2023 1st and 3rd Saturdays at 10am Pacific Time June 3rd and 17th July 1st and 15th Aug 5th and 19th Instructions for entering VWEC Minetest Objectives: to familiarize educators with Minetest and ways to utilize it. Lessons 1. Basic Minetest Skills (setting home, skins, teleportation, crafting tools, user interface) 2. Gardening and survival (food and shelter) 3. Mining (digging and cave exploration, minerals) 4. Explore biomes, builds, shops & transportation methods 5. Learn communication systems (signs, books) 6. Brainstorming project ideas and ways to help other educators Contact Valibrarian
Come visit Models of Teaching Experts share innovative ways to embed serious learning in subject areas, both for Higher Education and K-12/ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/VWEC%20Eduverse/189/162/29
The Models of Teaching will provide InWorld examples of using VWs to teach, located at the Eduverse Plaza. Expert instructors who have used Virtual Worlds as a technology to teach their classes have created an exhibit to share their approaches. They will share their their classrooms and why they chose that approach. Instructors will share examples, models, notecards, posters, video and provide a SLURL to see the their full classroom experience. These are diverse in content and include K-12, Higher Ed and eventually Lifelong Learning instructors. They will be opened at the VWEC Anniversary Celebration on Saturday May
April 5th, 2023 Chat
January 4h, 2023 Meeting slides